Within the activities of the Integrated Research Training Group a variety of lectures were conducted: Guest lectures, Round Lectures, Seminar Series, Training Sessions and Workshops. In the following, the round lectures under the title Industrial Colloquium, which were offered in cooperation with the IWF e.V. are presented.
05.06.2015: Lecture on „FAULHABER: Success factors of an international active company for Micro Drive Systems"
Between 1989 and 1998 Dr.-Ing. Nayim Bayat studied mechanical engineering and completed his PhD at TU Berlin in 2005. Since 2008 he works for Dr. Fritz Faulhaber GmbH & Co. KG as head of the unit "Measurement technologies and Calibration procedures" as well as head of the unit "Test planning". Since 2012 he is also board member of Deutsche TECHNION Gesellschaft.
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Within the framework of the "Industriekolloquium" of the integrated research training group and the IWF e.V. Dr. Bayat refered, in front of approximately 30 interested scientists and alumni, about his work for FAULHABER and the success factors of this international active company for Micro Drive Systems. With his products FAULHABER covers a great variety of different application areas. These range from production applications over medical technologies to suitable systems for aerospace. A major challenge for the company lies in the increasing complexity of the applications. FAULHABER copes this challenge with his big innovation strength and successfully implemented processes and structures. Thus, a great variety of products for the consumers can be realized through a huge amount of combinations for a small number of parts. Thereby, at the same time the customer satisfaction can be raised and the production costs can be kept at a low level. For the future the company has set itself ambitious goals. For all product variants, including the most complex ones, a "8 days ready for delivery service" should be implemented. Furthermore, Faulhaber aims to achieve sustainable corporate growth. Besides the implementation of a circular economy and recycling systems in all corporate sectors also the carbon dioxide emissions from energy combustion have been reduced significantly over the last few years. The strategy for a sustainable corporate growth also includes a staff-oriented corporate philosophy and a strong commitment in the surrounding region. Employees are actively involved in strategic decisions, company´s turnover of the last months are available as well as transparently represented for the employees and the company offers day care possibilities for families. Moreover, FAULHABER organizes "girls days", research events such as "jugend forscht" as well as events for senior citizens and summer festivals.
After the lecture followed a lively discussion in a pleasant atmosphere in the test field of the PTZ, where further aspects were deepened.
28.04.2015: Lecture on „Structure and Organisation of an Automotive Greenfield Company in China"
Until 2004 Dr.-Ing. Dieter Schacher was the Head of Organization and IT for the Volkswagen Group. Since 2005 he shares his extensive theoretical and practical knowledge within his work as a management consultant. Furthermore he gives regularly lectures at TU Berlin as a part of the Global Production Engineering (GPE)-program. Within the framework of the "Industriekolloquium" of the integrated research training group and the IWF e.V. Dr. Schacher spoke about his work for the Qoros Automotive Co. Ltd., Shanghai China in front of approximately 40 interested scientists and alumni.
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The Chinese market offers a tremendous potential for automotive companies. Today China is already the biggest production market for cars. At the same time the Chinese society is confronted with increasing environmental problems. One effect for the automotive market is that new registrations of cars, especially within the big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, are limited and connected with payments up to 90,000 Yuan (approximately 13,000 Euro). The automotive company Qoros pursues the goal to offer an electronic-car for the Chinese market. Qoros is a 50:50 joint venture of Chery Automobile, one of the biggest car manufacturer in China, and the automotive sector of the Israel Corporation. Qoros aspires to the highest standards of quality and works with the best global vendors. Besides an excellent quality the Qoros concept impresses with a connected car approach, high safety standards (Qoros 3 Sedan: Safest Car 2013) and attractive market prices.
The lecture was followed by a lively discussion. After that the evening was concluded on a nice note in the test field of the PTZ, where all lecture participants exchanged ideas in a pleasant atmosphere with refreshing drinks and pretzels.
02.10.2014: Lecture on "What can the automation learn from our mother nature?"
In the last decades the decoding of the "marvels of nature" and the transmission of natural phenomenas to technology became more and more relevant – not just for scientists. The magic word is "bionics" – a crossing between the words "biology" and "technique". Exciting insights into this topic were given at the 2nd of October 2014 by Dr. Ansgar Kriwet, CSO of FESTO AG.
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The graduated mechanical engineer fascinated the audience with many interesting examples and facts. By using three learning areas Dr. Kriwet showed how it is possible to decrypt the amazing adaptation strategies of nature and develop innovative solutions. He showed, for example, how the FESTO AG has succeeded in deciphering the flight of birds and using innovative manufacturing approaches to develop a bird model that can start, fly and land itself and its model of the Lesser Black-backed Gull seems confusingly similar. It continued with fin-like grippers, as well as handling systems inspired by the elephant's trunk up to thought control and swarm intelligence. The evening as usual ended with an interesting exchange of ideas between Dr. Kriwet and the inspired audience and was followed by a subsequent get-together.
© Festo AG
20.06.2014: Lecture on: „The new V-class of Mercedes-Benz – Insights into the development of a new automobile"
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For 25 years Dr. Benzinger has been engaged in the product development at Mercedes-Benz. About a month ago he introduced his most recent product to the market – the new V-class. Within the framework of the "Industriekolloquium" of the integrated research training group and the IWF e.V. Dr. Benzinger shared his longtime experiences with 70 scientists and alumni of the institute and the collaborative research center. In his presentation he provided a comprehensive insight into the development of a new automobile, from the identification of the product requirements up to the point of the commercial launch.
The V-class aims to unite the functionality of a van with the strengths of a Mercedes-Benz passenger car. Thus mainly three costumer groups that were identified in the course of the initial market analysis are addressed: Families with two or more children, active people who need space for sports gear and other equipment as well as luxury shuttle service operators. The key competitor for the V-class is the Volkswagen Transporter. Especially interesting were the insights into the work routine of Dr. Benzinger as a strategic project manager, the internal reporting structures and the car testing process. Furthermore Dr. Benzinger presented the production location in Victoria, Spain. In spite of the difficult economic situation, Mercedes held on to the location, launched further investments and negotiated cost saving measures with the employee representatives that take into considerations the needs of the employees and aim at supporting the competitiveness of the location. Subsequently Dr. Benzinger was open for questions and picked up impulses from the audience. Having some industry experts in the audience, interesting discussions developed. By way of example the evening was concluded with a discussion on the future changes in the automobile industry and possible business concepts that could thus unfold.
06.05.2014: Lecture on the "Sustainable Production of Jet Engines"
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The aviation industry accounts for around two percent of the global anthropogenic CO2-emissions. Nonetheless, sustainability plays an important role in the business of the turbine manufacturer Rolls Royce. Taking a look at the life-cycle costs of a turbine, one can understand why – around eighty percent of those costs are fuel costs. In the lecture series "Industriekolloquium" of the IWF e.V. within the framework of the research training group, Dr. Cartsburg, Director of Operations Oberursel of the Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG, presented the challenges of turbine manufacturing to an audience of 40 scientists and alumni of the institute and the collaborative research center.
After an introductive characterization of the company, its activities and the development opportunities in the respective business sectors, Dr. Cartsburg presented different aspects of sustainability in the production of turbines in more detail. He introduced for instance the ACARE-goals (Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research Europe) for the environmental impact mitigation of the aviation industry. Till 2050 carbon dioxide emissions per passenger kilometer shall by reduced by 75%, NOx-emissions by 90% and the perceived noise level by 65%. Dr. Cartsburg showed how technological progress can help achieving these goals. Being for example able to economically machine increasingly rigid and heat resistant alloys is a prerequisite for introducing more efficient turbines to the market. To make these advances possible is a special challenge for production-related research.
18.02.2014: Lecture on the "Challenges and Opportunities in China"
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For more than eight years Dr.-Ing. Ö. Sahin Ganiyusufoglu has been living in China. In the evening of the 18th of February 2014 he now shared his extensive experiences from the "country of contradictions" in the lecture series "Industriekolloquium" of the IWF e.V. within the framework of the "Graduiertenkolleg" with 45 scientists and alumni of the institute and the special research field (Sonderforschungs-bereich). Along with the general description of the economical and political development of the country he also provided insights into the everyday life in China; spoke about personal experiences and gave his prognosis for China's development in the future.
Through the use of several examples Dr. Ganiyusufoglu could illustrate the economic significance of the Chinese market and the decisiveness of China's government when implementing a new reform package. Thus he showed for instance how the anti-corruption-campaign led to significant declines in sales of Swiss watch manufacturers in China and which potential opportunities for sustainable manufacturing arise out of the economic necessity of a more sustainable development. Similarly interesting were the insights into the Shenyang Machine Tool (Group) co. Ltd, where Dr. Ganiyusufoglu acts as consultant to the board of directors. Even though the company is the machine tool manufacturer with the highest sales worldwide, it is internationally widely unknown as its sales are almost entirely restricted to the Chinese market. In the future this is to be changed however. The lecture was then followed by a lively discussion round.
16.12.2013: Lecture on „Ecoplants - Examples for Resource Efficient Facility Technology"
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With his lecture on resource efficient industrial equipment technology Dr. Joachim Schönbeck, Spokesman of the Managing Board of the SMS Holding GmbH, proved that sustainability and profitability are not necessarily mutually exclusive. By introducing four examples of the proprietary Ecoplants-Technology he illustrated that companies should very carefully choose their equipment in times of increasing prices and shortage of resources. Many interesting facts and details were presented to the audience, which consisted of more than 30 guests. An impressive example was the ecological inefficiency of a conventional furnace for steel production, which emits during the melting of one ton of pig iron more than three times of that amount in the form of CO2. By improving processes and increasing the output with the help of Ecoplants, inefficiencies of that type are supposed to be reduced and companies enabled to economize resources and costs. A lively discussion completed the third lecture of the "Industriekolloquium" of the IWF e.V. in the framework of the CRC's Integrated Research Training Group about 7.30 pm.
25.10.2013: Lecture on global and decentralized Production of large Water Turbines
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After the first successful evening within the lecture series "Industriekolloquium" of the IWF e.V. and the CRC's Integrated Research Training Group, the second lecture was scheduled for the October 25th 2013 in the PTZ. This time water power as the most widely explored technology among the renewable energy technologies was set to the centre of attention. In that effect Dr. Udo Erich Wunsch offered insights into the global hydro market as well as the functionality and production of water power plants. As Head of International Production of the Voith Hydro Holding GmbH & Co. he could share knowledge currently applied in practice. He presented to the audience, consisting of about 50 scientists and alumni of the institute and the special research field, the potential that water power promises. Especially in non-European countries he sees significant growth opportunities for water power. In that part of the globe less than 50% of the available potential is used, whereas in Europe 66% of the potential is already used for water power electricity generation. By giving an example of the temporarily deployed factories by Voith for the stationary assembly of water turbines he illustrated just how complex the implementation of water power plants can be. This type of assembly is practiced because of the immense weight of the turbines that can reach several hundred tons.
31.05.2013: Lecture on the "Enhancement of Energy Efficiency of Production Facilities"
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Energy efficiency is both under economic and ecological considerations a challenge in the area of manufacturing and thus of interest for the special research field (Sonderforschungsbereich SFB) ‘Sustainable Manufacturing – Shaping Global Value Creation'. The lecture of Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Lechler in the auditorium of the Produktionstechnisches Zentrum (PTZ) on electromechanic joining technologies was therefore well frequented. The development association ‘Freunde des IWF e.V.' acted as host for the event. The short introduction, given by the speaker of the SFB Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Seliger, was followed by a lecture on the advantages of electromechanic joining technologies over hydraulic and pneumatic molding presses by Dr. Lechler, CEO of ‘Promess – Gesellschaft für Montage- und Prüfsysteme mbH Berlin' (a company specialized on assembly robotics inspection systems), for an audience of approximately 50 doctoral candidates, employees of the scientific institution and alumni of the PTZ. On the basis of the results of his examination he illustrated how the technology of Promess can enable the conversion of energy to proceed without any intermediate steps during the process. In addition to that the energy efficiency is enhanced through the application of capacitors, which store the braking energy. The precise steering mechanism of electromechanic molding presses offers another advantage of the technology, thus contributing to a greater popularity of it. The lecture of Dr. Lechler was then followed by a lively discussion on the presented topic. Especially the interplay of energy efficiency and process stability was discussed with great interest. The evening was concluded on a nice note in the test field of the PTZ, where former employees and current doctoral candidates exchanged their ideas in a pleasant atmosphere.