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Enthusiasm for Science

Press Release 02 / 2014
Berlin, 27.03.2014

Enthusiasm for Science

Girls' Day 2014 in the PTZ was a big Success

What is the history behind products of our daily life? How can production be designed more efficiently? 16 girls aged ten to twelve got to the bottom of these and other questions at the Girls' Day – Mädchen-Zukunftstag (girls' future day) in the PTZ Berlin. The collaborative research center 1026 "Sustainable Manufacturing" and the Department of Production Technology and Factory Management of the TU Berlin took even part with two projects in this year's girls' day.

One group was concerned with the steps needed to produce a good. The girls could try out themselves which differences there are between subtractive production processes like milling and additive processes like 3D printing. The second group assembled production lines from lego bricks and talked about how more efficiency could be reached.

The tutors of both groups offered insight on the daily life of a researcher in the field of sustainable manufacturing and discussed possibilities about how to enter this professional field in the future.

All in all, the participants were thrilled: "My tutor was really nice and answered all my questions. Thank yo for the lovely day!" said one of the happy girls.

The "Girls' Day – Mächen-Zukunftstag" is a federal day of action for gender equality during which girls can get insight on technical professions. The collaborative research center 1026 "Sustainable Manufacturing – Shaping Global Value Creation" has participated with own projects since its founding. More information about the Girls' Day at www.girls-day.de (in German).

Photo © Fraunhofer IPK/Ksenia Udalova

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