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Knowledge Explosion

Press Release 01 / 2014
Berlin, 27.02.2014

Knowledge Explosion

"Jugend forscht" returns to the PTZ

Bulletproof vests from starch, sustainable ink from rusty nails and kitchen waste, solar driven drones for geo mapping: also this year, the young scientists taking part in "Jugend forscht" and "Schüler experimentieren" proved that real scientific potential lies also in young people.
As every year, the "Produktionstechnisches Zentrum Berlin" (PTZ) hosted the regional competition Berlin-Mitte of „Jugend forscht" on February 26th and 27th. With more than 95 scientists, this year's contest was a new record.
On the second day, the public exhibition "knowledge explosion", by now a PTZ tradition, was well attended. Around 300 visitors entered the testing field of the PTZ and put the presenting skills of the young researchers to the touch. The rich framework programme consisting of different pupils' laboratories of the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) invited the visitors to experience science through experiments and was well attended.
The award ceremony was musically accompanied by the Big Band Neukölln, a project of various schools in Berlin's Neukölln district led by Sandra Weckert. The Bildungs- und Forschungszentrum Berlin (Berlin education and research centre, BFZ) and Georg-Schlesinger-Schule für Maschinen und Fertigungstechnik (Georg-Schlesinger-School for Machines and Production Technology) announced their future cooperation for the further support of young academics to come. Finally, the members of the jury, participants and organizing committee concluded the exciting competition days.
"Jugend forscht" is a federal contest for young researchers aged 15 to 21. Younger children participate in the parallel contest "Schüler experimentieren". The TU Berlin has hosted the regional selection for Berlin-Mitte since 2008 in the PTZ. Partners of the TUB for Jugend forscht are:



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