Sustainable Manufacturing
Engineering is exploiting potentials for useful applications. Manufacturing, as a specific discipline in engineering starts from human thinking and imagination, from knowledge about natural scientific phenomena, from physical materials and shapes value creation via processes in management and technology, objectified in tangible and intangible products, in physical artifacts and services.
CRC 1026 "Sustainable Manufacturing – Shaping Global Value Creation" intends to demonstrate how sustainable manufacturing embedded in global value creation proves to be superior to traditional paradigms of management and technology.
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Sustainability has become an urgent requirement and challenge for mankind's survival on earth and for future development, considering the limits of resources and growth and the unequal distribution of wealth. Sustainability here is interpreted in environmental, economic and social dimensions.
Environmentally, non-renewable resources must not be disposed anymore but regained in product and material cycles. Chances of substituting them by renewables must be exploited, although only to such a degree that renewables can be responsibly regained, since the global consumption of renewable primary products already exceeds the world's biological capacity.
Economically, wealth can be achieved in the different areas of human living without increasing physical resource consumption by selling functionality rather than tangible products, e.g. by sharing concepts.
In the social dimension, a global village with less than one billion out of more than seven billion people consuming more than four fifths of global resources is hardly acceptable for living peacefully together. Teaching and learning for a global culture, wealth and health become vital tasks for the global human community.If the lifestyles of upcoming and also early industrialized communities alike will be continuously shaped by the existing, actually predominating technologies, that are responsible for a major part of the global resource consumption, then the need for resources will exceed every acceptable environmental, economic and social limit.
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Sustainable engineering represents a new scientific approach to cope with these challenges.
The CRC 1026 utilizes dynamics of global competition and cooperation for lending wings to processes of innovation and mediation towards the reasonably demanded sustainability on our globe.
A special focus lies on condensing engineering to sustainable manufacturing, thus specifically addressing artifact generation for shaping human living.
Partners within CRC 1026:
- Technische Universität Berlin (TUB)
- Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM)
- Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology (IPK)
- Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Packaging and System Integration (IZM)
- Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)
- Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
Hot off the press:
Our brochure explores the potentials of manufacturing for the future of value creation.