Mentoring for Female Students
Female students are underrepresented in the natural sciences, especially in engineering. The differences between numbers of male and female graduates who take up a career in research are even more marked than the ones between male and female students. In order to encourage more women for this career path, a mentoring programme for female students was installed. In this programme, female graduates are introduced to scientific work and topics of sustainable manufacturing. A close collaboration is created through intense support from researchers and a student tutor. This way, topics from the field of sustainable manufacturing and basics of scientific work can be treated thoroughly.
The concept aims at contacting female students and indicating topics for final theses to them in the framework of teaching modules. The support for the students who develop their thesis in this project is carried out by M.Sc. Johannes Seidel as researcher. B.A. Eva Riedelsheimer functions as student tutor and supports the students primarily concerning formal aspects of scientific writing but is also a contact person for personal exchange of experiences.
The regular basic support consists of weekly meetings. Both the researcher and the tutor are available at any time subject to appointment.
For further information about the mentoring please contact:
B.A. Eva Riedelsheimer
TU Berlin
Department Assembly Technology and Factory Management
Johannes Seidel
TU Berlin
Department Assembly Technology and Factory Management

B.A. Eva Riedelsheimer

M.Sc. Johannes Seidel