How can you grow a plant faster? Can you reduce stress with scents? Is it possible to move freight ships with sails? These are only a few of the many questions that have inspired more than 70 young researchers in the regional elimination contest Berlin-Mitte on February 26./27. to research projects for the  nationwide "Jugend forscht" competition. Under the headline "Knowledge explosion – young researchers present", the contest and associated exhibition of the projects was carried out in the Testfield of the Production Technology Center Berlin for the sixth time already. Here, the young scientists could not only present, but also explore. In project corners they could build their own electric motors and experiment with photovoltaics.


More than 300 pupils from schools in the sourrounding area have rushed the public exhibition on the second day of the contest. In the context of the venue, the cooperative research centre "Sustainable Manufacturing" complemented the 36 pupil's experiments with live demonstrations for sustainable production technology. As the crowning climax of the exhibition, an acrobatic performance was given by the "Erlebniszirkus Neukölln" with pupils from Hermann-Nohl-School.


M.A. Ina Roeder

M.Sc. Bastian Müller